#WhatsNewWednesday – Bermuda Is Open!

Howdy! It’s #WhatsNewWednesday and today we are thrilled to announce that one of your Chief Travel Guru’s favorite destinations to visit is open to tourists – Bermuda!

According to Go To Bermuda – the Official Travel Resource of Bermuda – the following protocols are in place for Immunized travelers:

Must have received the required dose(s) of their vaccine plus two weeks since last dose*

After arrival test, residents can sanctuary at home and visitors are invited to enjoy amenities at their accommodation property while awaiting lab result**

After negative arrival test, no restrictions on movement***

Must adhere to COVID-19 public health guidelines

* Children aged 17 and under are not required to be vaccinated and are not subject to quarantine, if the adults in their party are fully vaccinated.

** Contact property for details on permitted amenities available for your use

*** Arrivals by midday typically have results in time for dinner; up to 24 hours in rare cases

Did you know Bermuda is just a 90-minute flight from New York City – making it the perfect weekend getaway? Pink sand beaches, ancient caves, shopping, arts, history – this incredible island has it all! Check out my video chat with Glenn Jones, the Interim CEO of the Bermuda Tourism Authority here to get a glimpse into all it has to offer and then give your Travel Gurus a call and let’s get you booked to Bermuda!


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Destination Inspiration


Hawaiian Islands Overview

Did you know that Aloha doesn’t mean hello? Although it is often used as a greeting, it really is so much more than that. As Robin explained it’s actually a value system that’s woven into the fabric of the Hawaiian people with a deep meaning. The term Aloha actually means “the breath of life” in Hawaiian so it’s literally giving and receiving the breath of life. And you know you really can’t have a more intimate connection with someone than letting them know your essence and it’s something that is really intangible.


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