U.S. Passport Information

First time applying for a U.S. passport? Need to renew your current U.S. passport? Need to expedite the delivery of your U.S. passport? Read on to see how!

First Time Applying for a U.S. Passport

You cannot apply for a U.S. passport online, although you can complete and print out the application online – to bring with you to your in-person appointment along with citizenship evidence, photocopy of ID, photo, and fees. Processing times vary but you can check out the most up-to-date information here. If you need to get a passport in less time than the processing time listed, you will need an expedited process. Otherwise, you can follow the regular application process and apply in person at a passport acceptance facility.

Renewing Your U.S. Passport

If your passport has expired – or is about to expire – the majority of the time you can renew it online – with certain exceptions. It is recommended that you renew your passport well ahead of any planned international travel as some countries require your passport to be valid at least six months beyond the dates of your trip. It is also important to note that you must submit your most recent passport with your application – whether or not it still has time left on it before it expires – so be sure to take this into consideration, as you will be without a passport from the time you mail the old one in until you receive the new one.

Expediting the Arrival of Your Passport

If you need your passport in a timeframe that is less than the current processing time you have a few options. First you can always expedite it for an additional cost. However – this only cuts down processing time by three or four weeks. If you need it sooner, then you also have other options, particularly if it is a life or death emergency or urgent travel that is non-emergency. You can find out more about those processes here. Another option is to enlist the aid of your state representative who may be able to assist depending on the circumstances. Not sure who your state representative is? Click here

For all the details and the most up to date information on applying for, renewing or expediting your U.S. Passport – including downloadable forms, processing times and more – just head to travel.state.gov.

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Destination Inspirations


Hawaiian Islands Overview

Did you know that Aloha doesn’t mean hello? Although it is often used as a greeting, it really is so much more than that. As Robin explained it’s actually a value system that’s woven into the fabric of the Hawaiian people with a deep meaning. The term Aloha actually means “the breath of life” in Hawaiian so it’s literally giving and receiving the breath of life. And you know you really can’t have a more intimate connection with someone than letting them know your essence and it’s something that is really intangible.


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