Risque Travel

Ready for the type of travel where you can leave your inhibitions behind?

We have partnered with Original Group to offer you adults-only, couples-only and clothing optional vacation offerings – among others. Whether you are looking for one of these or another type of alternative lifestyle adventure your Travel Gurus know where to find them and would LOVE to hook you up!

Destination Inspirations


Hawaiian Islands Overview

Did you know that Aloha doesn’t mean hello? Although it is often used as a greeting, it really is so much more than that. As Robin explained it’s actually a value system that’s woven into the fabric of the Hawaiian people with a deep meaning. The term Aloha actually means “the breath of life” in Hawaiian so it’s literally giving and receiving the breath of life. And you know you really can’t have a more intimate connection with someone than letting them know your essence and it’s something that is really intangible.


BHGH Travel News

Midnight Summer

Finland Midnight Summer Embark on a journey to the enchanting land of Finland during the magical midnight summer! Experience the beauty of the northern landscapes as you stroll alongside majestic