Travel Protection

Travel Protection has always been a good idea. These days it is as important as making sure your carry on can fit in the overhead bin, having a passport that doesn’t expire within six months of travel and making sure you locked all the doors before you left. 

So, what are your options? What kind of policies are out there? Who should you use? These are just a few questions that come to mind. And while we cannot sell you travel insurance – we can advise you in the best way we know how. 

First – as far as who to use – if you google trip protection you will see the possibilities are many. However – we do have two preferred providers that we recommend – Travel Insured and Travel Safe. It is also quite possible that the credit card you use to purchase travel has trip protection as one of its benefits, so make sure you look into that as well.

As for the type of policy that all depends on your personal situation – i.e. – if you foresee possible medical issues, the amount of money you are spending on travel, if you are traveling at a time that severe weather is a possibility and a myriad of other situations that might apply – so when selecting a policy be sure to take all of this into consideration. 

No matter who you end up getting your travel protection through and no matter which type of policy you purchase – just be sure to always include it – because as much as we all would love to – no one can predict what the future holds and the peace of mind it gives you is always a better option than the stress of worrying that you may be out a lot of money should something should come up that prevents you from taking your vacation. 

Shop our preferred providers: Travel Insured here and /or Travel Safe here.

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Destination Inspirations


Hawaiian Islands Overview

Did you know that Aloha doesn’t mean hello? Although it is often used as a greeting, it really is so much more than that. As Robin explained it’s actually a value system that’s woven into the fabric of the Hawaiian people with a deep meaning. The term Aloha actually means “the breath of life” in Hawaiian so it’s literally giving and receiving the breath of life. And you know you really can’t have a more intimate connection with someone than letting them know your essence and it’s something that is really intangible.


BHGH Travel News

Welcome to #Trentino!

Welcome to #Trentino! Let’s embark on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting landscapes of San Lorenzo in #Banale! Tucked away in the Adamello Brenta Nature Park, this rustic village beckons