Gastro Tourism – Croatian Wine and Cheeses

The goal of pairing wine with cheeses is actually to achieve a balance between the two and one should not dominate the order.

These are some examples:

Smoked cheese and the red blend opg pranjic from Slovenia produces smoked cheeses with several additions. The cheese pairs well with the rebellion wine from Korcula, this wine is a blend of five varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Plavac Mai, Alicante Bouschet). The wine is very well balanced and the five varieties form a harmonious whole.

Another exquisite pairing is truffle cheese and Pinot Noir, the Mih cheese dairy from the island of Pag created a well balanced truffle cheese name Tartufin, a hard cow’s milk cheese with an exquisite

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Hawaiian Islands Overview

Did you know that Aloha doesn’t mean hello? Although it is often used as a greeting, it really is so much more than that. As Robin explained it’s actually a value system that’s woven into the fabric of the Hawaiian people with a deep meaning. The term Aloha actually means “the breath of life” in Hawaiian so it’s literally giving and receiving the breath of life. And you know you really can’t have a more intimate connection with someone than letting them know your essence and it’s something that is really intangible.


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